Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Organizing & Tequila

We had our first generation change summer session this past Friday. It was enlightening and necessary. It was on "National Youth Organizing" and we had 3 dynamic speakers. Carmen Berkley from USSA (big sis), Edith Sargon of Choice USA, and Jessy Tolkan of Energy Action. Great discussion. Great minds. Power!

Whenever I attend sessions such as this I always get re- energized and reinvigorated. I was familiar with a lot of the things Carmen was saying (because she's my big sister) but I learned some interesting things about the other women and their organizations. Organizing is fucking powerful man...I wish more people knew there were careers in it...

Jessy got me thinking about the whole environmental/green movement. I want to get engaged. I really do. It's just hard as a person of color to dedicate my time when I know there are more pressing matters at hand. Also, the green movement like the GLBTQ movement is led primarily by progressive white folks while people of color are consistently being pushed to the outskirts. Jessey kind of hit on this. She talked about how in the past the green movement has worked versus other movements especially people of color movements and her organization works to pull all the different organizations in and work with them...collectively for all of their you can't advocate for energy stuff and ignore the sweat workers makes sense in my head but I don't know how practical it all is? I guess I need to attend one of their sessions or conferences or something. I'm trying to be a environmental friendly black progressive...ha!

I'm getting into it though...reading up on some of Damali Ayo's ish....I need to connect with more black green folks. That's the support I need/want right now. And, then I can branch out. I need to understand this monster as it relates to me, Sheila, a progressive black, female, GLBTQ identifying, immigrant youth...

ya dig?

The session was cool. After that we went to happy hour. Tequila...yum! Great people. Great minds. Great conversation. Kali, myself, Neha, Kiran, Cari, and some other guy (who came w/ Kali's boo). We had a very interesting conversation about Israel and Palestine and half way into it I had to fall was more of an educational seminar for me. Not my expertise but I'm always willing to learn...

we dropped the guy and went to Busboys & Poets. More drinks and an even better conversation with just the girls about our lives and the complexities of it all...

it was a good reminder of why programs like this works. I think the Center Community Change will be wise to adapt the Gen Change program next year so that it incorporates more connections with the interns and fellows. There's nothing more uplifting and beautiful than getting to know other young, progressive folk who think like you, are dedicated to the social justice movement like yourself, and who have been through similar ish as you....

just an observation. But, it rivaled some of my favorite conversations ever. Made me realize why I love conferences with people such as this. We're all different to look at. What was it? An Iraqi, a Nigerian, an Indian, and half Jewish Indian....but the program is fostering bonding and connecting across our differences in culture, experiences, and school of thought...


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